Psychophysical Re-education...  Embodied Attention, Sensation, and the 6th Sense
Date & Time
Sunday, June 27, 2021, 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM
Michael Frederick

Psychophysical Re-education...

Embodied attention, Sensation, and the 6th Sense. What did Walter Carrington, Marjory Barlow, and Moshe Feldenkrais have in common with the teachings of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff?  Why did Alexander, Feldenkrais, and Gurdjieff call their systems psychophysical learning and/or The Work?  

This will be a practical workshop incorporating both dialogue and experiential understanding based on present moment observation. 

"Sensation is an essential experience on the road to consciousness.

I need to see that what is lacking is a connection with my body.  Without a connection, I am caught in thoughts or changing emotions that give way to fantasy."  Jeanne de Salzmann


"The Alexander Technique is not a method of accumulating information nor the art of learning something new. 

It is, instead, the art of unlearning, which is a much more subtle and, sometimes, a more difficult endeavor

- unlearning that which is habitual instead of natural - letting go of old patterns and of those repetitious opinions arrived at in times and circumstances totally different from those of the present."  Laura Huxley